Explorers (Mid Cheshire Hartford Explorer Scout Unit)

Explorer Units are the fourth Section of the Scouting family after Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. Explorer Scouts are young people aged between 14 and 18 years old.  There is flexibility in the age range:  young people can join from age 13½ but cannot move to Scout Network until 18.  Young people must have left the Explorer Scout section before the date of their 18th birthday.

A group of Explorer Scouts is called a Unit and is part of the District’s provision of Scouting.  An Explorer Scout Unit and a Scout Group may work together under a Partnership Agreement, which should set out clearly the links between the Unit and the Group, arrangements for communication, use of equipment, facilities and resources.

The nearest Explorer Unit to Hartford is the Mid Cheshire Hartford Explorer Scout Unit – Mid-Cheshire district provision.